
Full Cloth Nappy Accessory Kit


Full Cloth Nappy Accessory Kit gives you everything you need to start you off on your cloth nappy journey at a bit less than the full RRP


Full cloth nappy accessory kit – this gives you all the essential accessories you need to store, wash and to use your washable nappies effectively. 

no further discounts

RRP £51 – 25% discount !

Take the confusion out of buying cloth nappy accessories.  Everything in this kit is essential and will set you up at the beginning of your cloth journey plus save you an extra bit of cash as well!  The kit contains the 16 litre bucket with lid, 1 drawstring mesh bags to line the bucket with and to wash the nappies in (for best results leave the mesh bag open when washing).   1 small wet bag to store your dirty nappies in while you are out. 1 x roll of paper liners to line your nappies with and catch the poo, ideal in the first few months to make clean up nice and easy and solid disposal simple ! 2 x totsbots fleece liners to use either instead of paper liners, or when you run out, plus you can use them with bamboo or cotton nappies to give them a stay dry lining next to your babies bottom.  2 x boosters  (1 Totsbots Bamboo & Fleece booster and 1 Little Lamb Bamboo Booster) to make any nappy more absorbent as your baby gets older and wee’s more.  10 pk washable wipes which come in handy for just about every cleaning up including with your dirty nappies!

Please choose the colour of your bucket and the pattern of your wet bag.



1 x nappy bucket (choose colour) – plus choice of white lockable bucket for £1 extra

1 x mesh bag

1 x wet bag (choose pattern)

1 x roll of paper liners

1 x TotsBots Fleece Topped Booster

1 x Little Lamb Bamboo Booster

2 x TotsBots fleece liners 

10 pk bamboo washable wipes (Totsbots)




Additional information

Weight 2.1 kg
Bucket Colour

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Wet Bag Colour

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